function call
thefrontside/effectionfunction call<T>(callable: () => Operation<T>): Operation<T>
Pause the current operation, then run an async function, or operation function in a new scope. The calling operation will be resumed (or errored) once call is completed.
is a uniform integration point for calling async functions,
and generator functions.
It can be used to invoke an async function:
Example 1
async function* googleSlowly() {
return yield* call(async function() {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000));
return await fetch("");
It can be used to run an operation in a separate scope to ensure that any resources allocated will be cleaned up:
Example 2
yield* call(function*() {
let socket = yield* useSocket();
return yield*;
}); // => socket is destroyed before returning
Because call()
runs within its own Scope, it can also be used to
establish error boundaries.
Example 3
function* myop() {
let task = yield* spawn(function*() {
throw new Error("boom!");
yield* task;
function* runner() {
try {
yield* myop();
} catch (err) {
// this will never get hit!
function* runner() {
try {
yield* call(myop);
} catch(err) {
// properly catches `spawn` errors!
Type Parameters
callable: () => Operation<T>
the operation, promise, async function, generator funnction, or plain function to call as part of this operation
Return Type
function call<T>(callable: () => Promise<T>): Operation<T>
function call<T>(callable: () => T): Operation<T>
function call<T>(callable: Operation<T>): Operation<T>
function call<T>(callable: Promise<T>): Operation<T>
calling bare promises, operations, and constants will be removed in v4, always pass a function to call()
before: call(promise); after: call(() => promise);
Type Parameters
callable: Promise<T>
Return Type